[salseforce][chatter]Chatter Code Recipes

By |10月 20, 2011|chatter, salesforce, |


Recipe 1: Update A User’s Status

Visualforce Page
<apex:inputText value="{!status}" id="status" maxlength="100" />
<apex:commandLink style="button" value="Update User Status" action="{!doUserStatus}" />
Custom Controller
public string status { get; set; }

public PageReference doUserStatus() {
User user = [select id, CurrentStatus from User where id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
user.CurrentStatus = status;
update user;
return null;

Recipe 2: Display a User’s Profile Image

Visualforce Page
<apex:image id="profileImage" url="{!profileImageUrl}" />

Custom Controller
public string profileImageUrl { get; set; }

profileImageUrl = [select FullPhotoUrl from User where Id = ‘1234’];


Recipe 3: List a User’s Followers

Visualforce tags
<chatter:followers entityId="User Id or record Id"/>
<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId="User Id or record Id"/>

SOQL query
List<EntitySubscription> followers =
[select id, subscriberid, subscriber.name
from EntitySubscription
where parentid =:uid]; // the id of the user/record for which you want to list followers

Integer noOfFollowers = followers.size();

※<chatter:followers entityId=”User Id or record Id”/>と<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId=”User Id or record Id”/>は同一画面には使用できない。

・<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId=”User Id or record Id”/>を指定した場合は、ホームタブのChatter部品が表示される

Recipe 4: List who a User is Following

SOQL query
// Everyone you’re following
EntitySubscription[] followingES = [select id, parentid, subscriberid, parent.name
from EntitySubscription
where subscriberid =:uid];//Set to the User’s Id

List<EntitySubscription> following = new List<EntitySubscription> ();
String userSObjectPrefix = User.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
for( EntitySubscription es: followingES )
if( (” + es.parentid).substring(0,3) ==
userSObjectPrefix) // users only
Integer followingUserCount = following.size();


Recipe 5: Follow a User or record
Visualforce tag
<chatter:follow entityId="User or Record Id that you want to follow"/>

Apex code
EntitySubscription follow = new EntitySubscription (
parentId = ‘<User Record Id you want to follow’
subscriberid = :UserInfo.getUserId); //your User Id
insert follow;

※Visualforce tagでは指定したユーザ/データの状況により、下記どちらかの部品が表示される。

※Apex Codeでは指定したユーザ/データをフォローする旨だが、上記コードではエラーとなる。
EntitySubscription follow = new EntitySubscription ();
follow.parentId = ‘User Record Id you want to follow’;
follow.subscriberid = UserInfo.getUserId(); //your User Id
insert follow;

Recipe 6: Add a FeedItem
Apex code
//Adding a Text post
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = ‘Enter post text here’;
insert post;

//Adding a Link post
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = ‘Enter post text here’;
post.LinkUrl = ‘http://www.someurl.com’;
insert post;

//Adding a Content post
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = ‘Enter post text here’;
post.ContentData = base64EncodedFileData;
post.ContentFileName = ‘sample.pdf’;
insert post;


Recipe 7: Add a Comment to a FeedItem
Apex code
FeedComment fcomment = new FeedComment();
fcomment.FeedItemId = fId; //Id of the FeedItem on which you want to comment
fcomment.CommentBody = ‘Enter your comment here’;
insert fcomment;

Recipe 8: Display my News Feed
Apex code
List<NewsFeed> myfeed = [SELECT Id, Type,
CreatedById, CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName,
ParentId, Parent.Name,
Body, Title, LinkUrl, ContentData, ContentFileName,
(SELECT Id, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue
FROM FeedTrackedChanges ORDER BY Id DESC),
(SELECT Id, CommentBody, CreatedDate,
CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName
FROM FeedComments ORDER BY CreatedDate LIMIT 10),
(SELECT CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName
FROM FeedLikes)
FROM NewsFeed
LIMIT 20];
Recipe 9: Display a record’s entity feed
Apex code
List<AccountFeed> myfeed = [SELECT Id, Type,
CreatedById, CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName,
ParentId, Parent.Name,
Body, Title, LinkUrl, ContentData, ContentFileName,
(SELECT Id, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue
FROM FeedTrackedChanges ORDER BY Id DESC),
(SELECT Id, CommentBody, CreatedDate,
CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName
FROM FeedComments ORDER BY CreatedDate LIMIT 10),
(SELECT CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName
FROM FeedLikes)
FROM AccountFeed
WHERE ParentID = ‘<Account Id>’
LIMIT 20];


Recipe 10: Who has a particular file been shared with
Apex code
List<ContentDocumentLink> shares = [SELECT id, LinkedEntityId, ContentDocumentId
FROM ContentDocumentLink
WHERE ContentDocumentId = ‘<File Id>’];

※File Idについては必ず指定

Recipe 11: Monitor specific keywords on an entity feed

Apex code
trigger CheckChatterPostsOnOpportunity on FeedItem (before insert) {
//Get the key prefix for the Opportunity object via a describe call.
String oppKeyPrefix = Opportunity.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();

for (FeedItem f: trigger.new)
String parentId = f.parentId;
//We compare the start of the ‘parentID’ field to the Opportunity key prefix to
//restrict the trigger to act on posts made to the Opportunity object.
if (parentId.startsWith(oppKeyPrefix) &&
f.Body == ‘!close’)
//Add business logic here

Recipe 12: Monitor user status updates in Chatter

Apex code
trigger MonitorUserStatusUpdates on User (before update) {
for (Integer i = 0; i < trigger.new.size(); i++)
if (trigger.old[i].CurrentStatus != trigger.new[i].CurrentStatus)
//User has changed their Chatter status – take necessary action here.

Recipe 13: Integrate Chatter with other social networks OR Migrate Chatter data from one Org to another

Apex code
//Note that this code can only be executed by a user with the ‘Insert System Field Values
//for Chatter Feeds’ permission
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
post.ParentId = oId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
post.Body = ‘Enter post text here’;
post.CreatedById = <Salesforce User Id of the original post author>;
post.CreatedDate = <Date and time of original post>;
insert post;

FeedItem f = [select InsertedById from FeedItem where id =:post.Id];
System.assertEquals (f.InsertedById, UserInfo.getUserId());